Tuesday, September 28, 2010

48-49th days - Anatomy and Histo labs

I had a 2-hour Histo lab on Monday and a 4-hour Anatomy lab on Tuesday. Histo's always the easiest, once you know the slides, there's nothing you can do stop me. The problem is sometimes I go overboard and tend to say everything about the slide once I see it. This was the case this time. I normally hold back when other's are presenting, but after the presentations are over, we do practicals. In practicals, the clinical tutor can show us any slide and we have to say what it is. I can't help it if I don't hold back now. People are starting to think I'm getting cocky because I'm just saying what I see in the slide every time. So looks like I need to hold back yet again for even the practical....

In anatomy lab, it's the same stuff. We had abdomen again, but with some new stuff. It's fun to go through different cadavers and point out abnormalities and differences you see. This is the stuff I like the best and anatomy is the closest thing to what I will be doing for the rest of my life as a doctor. Most of the professors already know me by face, if not by name. There's a professor who's asked my name 9 times (and I thought I had bad memory). I like my anatomy group too, they're all smart and nice people. Today, we had a question on Meckel's diverticulum and the rule of 2s. The rule was 2% of the population, 2 in. long, 2 ft. from ileocecal valve, occurs in 2 yr. olds, and there are 2 types. I had all of those things, but I also said that 2% are symptomatic. Suddenly, a lot of people started disagreeing with me. The MIT girl in our group said, "I wrote a paper on this, trust me, it's not 2% symptomatic. You must have gotten that off of wikipedia". I said nothing further and gave in. I went back and looked it up and found in the NIH and American Journal of Emergency Medicine including that 2% ARE symptomatic! I wonder if I should even bother telling my group because they think I only use wikipedia to find things lol.

The anatomy lecture we had today was about medical imaging. The professor was teaching it was a PhD and a surgeon. He said that he spent 6 months trying to understand the MRI and can only talk about it for 10 mins. In terms of reading the radiographs, he knows his stuff, but in terms of the physics, he has no idea.

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