Sunday, September 5, 2010

Facebook statuses - something to be used wisely

I woke up this morning and checked for any email or facebook msges. Instead of a blog like this, a lot of people rather just use facebook to publish their status updates. I would do that, but I would end up insulting waay too many people. Here is example of the type of medical students that go here say:

"thinks that MCAT scores and GPA matters very little when it comes to entry into med school. As long as you're SUPER DUPER socially're in. Oh, wait, they accept about 10% normal kids...and see how they react to the other 90% socially awkward people."

The person who said this took FTM twice..ahem they dropped out of pre-med midway the first time. Also, obviously, the only people who agreed with this statement were former FTM students. It's funny because I've been wanting to say something similar for a while, but I can't. For me, the statement is the same except change socially to mentally. If these guys were looking for a major in which their "ultimate" social skills mattered, maybe they should have considered acting, but oh wait, acting requires brains to memorize lines.

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