Monday, September 6, 2010

27th day

I had a histo lab in the morning. The school website that is used to access our lectures and other course info. was down during the weekend, so many people were having problems. Fortunately, I finished the histo lab prior to those problems. When it was my turn to present, as usual, things were very smooth. I was answering questions from the students more than the prof. was. It's like I gave the prof. a break when I present. It's funny how many times you have to repeat yourself though. Some students forgot about the basic things that we learned in Lab 1 and the discussion ended up clearing concepts in Lab 1. We are on Lab 3! This kind of wasted our time, but oh well.

After the histo lab, I changed into my scrubs and went into the anatomy lab for some practice. There was already a prof. in there with a large group of students going over the forearm. I joined the group and just watched. He later asked to identify a muscle on the forearm and it seemed nobody knew. Since nobody answered, I gave him the answer. There was a guy from FTM in the group. I said hi to him, no response except a mean look as if he was frustrated. Oh well, to be expected. I can't help it if I know the answer.

Eventually, some of my friends from the Histo group also came and one of my friends from Mac. I was still answering questions from the prof. while they came, so I guess they figured out I knew my stuff. After the prof. was done, they all asked me if I could review everything the prof. went over. I said sure, why not and I went over all the muscles of the forearm with them. It was fun, I felt like the doctor teaching students. Some students I didn't even know joined the group thinking I was one of the upper year students. Haha feels good to be respected.

After the lab, I heard there was a "special" session going on with the prof. in another room. Me and my friends checked it out, but it ended up being students asking the prof. any questions they were confused about. It wasn't helpful to me, so I came out of the session and did something more important - preread for the upcoming lectures. I went to the library and finished pre-reading.

There were 2 lectures of Histo followed by 2 lectures of Ethics. After the Histo lectures, more than half the class leaves. I stayed because I'm used to not skipping class even for ethics. It was, however, pretty boring. After the 4 hours of lectures and 4 hours of starvation, I thought I deserved some really good food. I went to the indians selling indian food at the bus stop. They are there everyday, but it's not the healthiest nor the best indian food. However, I was in the mood, so I got chicken biryani+palak paneer+chicken+roti for 25 EC. Not bad. I ate it cold, but it wasn't bad. The chicken biryani was good and I haven't had roti since I got to Grenada, so that was good too. Overall, I would say 5/10, but I'm used to it by now. If I warmed it up, it would probably be 6/10.

I stayed at school because there were apparently some meetings going on that have something to do with internships with WHO. How could I resist?

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