Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First round of midterms over!

I haven't updated in a while due to being busy. I am done with Parasitology for the whole term and I had the midterm examination for Genetics. I was expecting a lot of risk calculation questions for Genetics, but unfortunately, she made the exam mostly on semantics - my weakness. So who knows how many words I memorized. All the conceptual questions were alright. It was the first time I had to use all 2 hours in a medical exam. Parasit was straight-up memorization, but I knew that so I was fine.

Anyways, a sigh of relief, but also a sigh of disappointment b/c I feel I could have done better. Though it's not over until the fat lady sings.

After the exam, I just went straight into my room to get my phone and then I was confused as what to do today since there are no classes and nothing else to study for. It's a unique feeling b/c when you're used to studying and you suddenly stop, there's a feeling of emptiness.