Friday, August 13, 2010

2nd day

Since my A/C wasn't working, I slept without a blanket. I ended up waking up pretty early. I made some oatmeal, which was very good. I'm glad I can have that everyday now. Joe, our mechanic, came and replaced the filter of my A/C, so now it works, yay. I took a shower and then went to school.

I went to the orientation office and picked up some stuff like a map and signed-up for an island tour. I did the island tour last time too and since it was so good, I'm doing it again. I also went to another office to register for the fall session. When I went there, I saw a lot of people in random places, the door to the office was open, so I just walked in. Apparently, there was supposed to be a line, so they didn't let me in. I told them I'm a returning student, and I just needed another sticker on my id, but I still had to stand in line. The line extended all the way to 2 floors on the stairs. It took me 45 mins and I finally got my sticker (TIG).

I then boarded a LAE (Lance Aux Epine) bus to go home. Then I realized I have to meet someone to buy books, so I got off the bus. I was so concerned with my laptop bag, that I forgot to take my other backpack. It was 5 mins later that I realized that I don't have my backpack with me and that I left it on the bus which has gone now! I went to the security office which was coincidentally right next to me. I told them that a small white bus that is going to LAE with an indian driver has a green backpack in it. Soon after, I get a call from the girl who was selling me books. I got 5 books for $70 USD. Now I had 5 books in my hand and no backpack. I then waited in the bus stop to go back home with 5 books and a laptop bag in my hand. Five minutes later, I get a call from security that they found my backpack! It's at the bottom security office which is at the bottom of the hill. I went down then with 5 books in my hand all the way down to the bottom and got my backpack :) I also got another book after, the Goljan Notes for Pathology, which I couldn't even find in India.

I went home and had some indian food that I had packed from Toronto. At the same time I washed and dried all of my old clothes. I dried them the old fashioned way obviously since the drier still doesn't work and it eats up too much electricity anyways. I got a call later from a person selling some more books I needed. I went back to school and realized that I don't have enough money to buy the books. By then, my phone battery and laptop battery were dying and I couldn't find the adaptor that I had got only works for India, not Grenada. So I took another bus to Spiceland Mall to get another adaptor. I had just enough money to get that. Once I got it, I was able to contact the person who was selling books and tell them we'll have to meet some other time.

It was around 6 pm in the day. I went to one of the information sessions they were having for new students. I skipped most of them, but this one was important. It was about Boards and courses in medical school. To my surprise, the one giving the lecture was Dr. Beeson, he was one of our teachers for Biochemistry before. It was an interesting lecture since I got to learn about all the different courses that I will be taking and also what I will be doing in rotations.

After that, I went home and relaxed without internet. I had some kerala rolls for dinner and it was time to snooze.

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