Tuesday, August 24, 2010

14th day - first great academic experience

Today was the most tiring day, but it was also the most fun day. I woke up at 6:30 am, took, a shower, had oatmeal, and changed into my scrubs. I had to catch a bus in order to be at my anatomy lab at 8 am. It started raining heavily outside, but unfortunately my umbrella was in my locker at campus. So, I used a orange raincoat instead which covered my top but not my pants. I anyways went out and started walking. Luckily, the bus showed up just when the rain was about to hit the cats and dogs level.

I got to school, went to my locker and got my umbrella. I then walked all the way to my lab and started as soon as I got there. It was 4 people to a station, so I just picked one. I went through all the stations with ease and the students in my group were now asking me all of the questions instead of the prof. for convenience. I got all the questions the prof. asked right to and one of the profs. even asked what my name was after I answered it. He didn't ask anybody else what their name was. This was the wet lab and we went through many cadavers and x-rays. It was easy and fun. Many students asked me if I would accompany them to the lab sometime this week lol.

After the wet lab, I went to the dry lab where we were assigned into groups based on our last name. This is where I got REALLY lucky. Everyone in my group I have met in someway or the other and all of them were very smart. Most of them knew me as well. The group composed of a girl from MIT, a girl from Toronto, a girl from my Histo group, a girl who sat in class with me, my CPR partner, 2 other girls, and 1 guy who I met during orientation. All of them knew their stuff, so it was fun to work with them and discuss the clinical scenarios. We rotated questions after we were done answering the set we were given. There were around 20 questions total. You don't write down the answer, you remember it. Afterwards, the teacher would pick random people from the group and ask them to explain the answers. I didn't get picked, but I would have no problem if I did.

This group would be my anatomy group permanently for the rest of the term! All of us had the same alphabet in terms of last name, so we would also cross each other in other groups. After this, we went to the small discussion groups in another building. Here we talked about more case studies in detail and questions relating to the anatomy. I had answered all of these in advance, so I already knew it. Each table was assigned a prof. He wanted us to explain it in our own words and not read the answer, which was exactly what I'm used to.

After this, we entered our physical examination where the boys in the group had to take off their shirts and be the patients. There was only 2 boys including me. After a while, it got chilly not wearing a shirt in a A/C room, but I coped with it. We did all kinds of stuff involving the upper body.

Then, we sat down again to discuss another case study and then I was free to go. The whole thing took 4 hours. In one hour, lecture was going to start, so I went to get something to eat and then pre-read some biochemistry. Then, it was 4 hours of lecture - 2 hours of anatomy+2 hours of biochem. I knew my anatomy like the back of my hand literally and I ended up pre-reading the next 2 lectures of biochem because I thought we already finished the ones today. In a sense, I was ahead. Anatomy and Biochem, the hardest courses to most, were my favorites.

After all of this, I was pretty tired. I was still wearing my scrubs too. I went home and rested for a bit. Then, I went back to school again to study some more.

Today was a good day. I was happy that I am in SGU and that they're people like me who actually like medicine.

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